I am extremely down when it comes to this issue. That cute little fingers, and those fragile bones inside of them, those little ones who in the future may have the possibilities of making you proud, thrown away, JUST LIKE THAT. Awfully hurtful!
See how cute this baby is :'(
this angel's face reminds me of my little cousin, Canon. :'(
Newscasts concerning babies being thrown away, killed, and tormented are spreading. Do we really want this to go on? Some may say NO, those who say "YES"[and why on earth is that, by the way?] I yearn for your explanations. Let's put ourselves inside their shoes, what can you see? You've just started seeing the sunlight, you've just started to see the people whom you think may give you a chance to walk on earth. All of a sudden, you were dragged out of the comfort and put inside a box, or perhaps a dark colored plastic even. Left there; lonely with stinging mosquitoes, alone with no one else to hold you. Left there; with nothing to eat, to be bitten by those wild beasts. Left there; still confused, asking themselves what mistake did they have done to you.
This issue offered me an idea for an assignment of my Public Speaking class the other day. My persuasive speech entitled "Child Poverty: Have we cared enough?" has helped me to earn 95 marks out of 100 for this last assignment. It was just okay, but believe me while presenting this, I was extremely into it. The script that I've written the whole night was kept inside my jeans' pocket; because I know how difficult and hurtful those little ones felt when not only their skin, flesh but the most important is (their heart), torn apart by poor humans' crave.
Could we put into visual, if only they could utter words that very moment. They probably will thank us for willing to bring them anywhere for the whole 9 months, they probably will show their gratitude for giving them a chance to see the world, they probably will promise that they will take care of you when they've grown up. And, they probably will someday, make you proud for having them in your life.
But who knows, maybe they will still thank you, for giving them a chance to see the little world of ours. The world which you see as heaven, and in our perspective, world full of immorality, sins, dirt. Maybe up there, they are looking at you... Smiling, but still
........................heartbroken. How white, how pure their heart is.

this angel's face reminds me of my little cousin, Canon. :'(
Newscasts concerning babies being thrown away, killed, and tormented are spreading. Do we really want this to go on? Some may say NO, those who say "YES"[and why on earth is that, by the way?] I yearn for your explanations. Let's put ourselves inside their shoes, what can you see? You've just started seeing the sunlight, you've just started to see the people whom you think may give you a chance to walk on earth. All of a sudden, you were dragged out of the comfort and put inside a box, or perhaps a dark colored plastic even. Left there; lonely with stinging mosquitoes, alone with no one else to hold you. Left there; with nothing to eat, to be bitten by those wild beasts. Left there; still confused, asking themselves what mistake did they have done to you.
This issue offered me an idea for an assignment of my Public Speaking class the other day. My persuasive speech entitled "Child Poverty: Have we cared enough?" has helped me to earn 95 marks out of 100 for this last assignment. It was just okay, but believe me while presenting this, I was extremely into it. The script that I've written the whole night was kept inside my jeans' pocket; because I know how difficult and hurtful those little ones felt when not only their skin, flesh but the most important is (their heart), torn apart by poor humans' crave.
Could we put into visual, if only they could utter words that very moment. They probably will thank us for willing to bring them anywhere for the whole 9 months, they probably will show their gratitude for giving them a chance to see the world, they probably will promise that they will take care of you when they've grown up. And, they probably will someday, make you proud for having them in your life.
But who knows, maybe they will still thank you, for giving them a chance to see the little world of ours. The world which you see as heaven, and in our perspective, world full of immorality, sins, dirt. Maybe up there, they are looking at you... Smiling, but still
........................heartbroken. How white, how pure their heart is.
Please people, I beg you to not throw them to the nature. Give them to the people who are willing to treat them as a baby, as a human. Everyone makes mistakes, no matter how big the mistakes are, it still have nothing to do with that newborn angel. The great Gandhi once said;
"There is no place on earth and no race, which is not capable of producing the finest types of humanity, given suitable opportunities and education"
- quoted, Mahatma Gandhi.
we still can change, how? by giving yourself an opportunity to change
[save a baby]
- Indra Mozainie
- quoted, Mahatma Gandhi.
we still can change, how? by giving yourself an opportunity to change
[save a baby]
- Indra Mozainie