It's early in the morning. I woke up, after an argument with my loved one which turned out to be quite fine.
I was looking outside, looking at the building behind my house. It was so beautiful. And then something came up to mind. I am amazed of what has happened so far in my life, and to all the people around me.
People have been telling me how miserable their lives are, but for me it's a bless. It's only a bless from God who wanted to show His love towards them. I'm trying my best to not be a preacher, just a friend blurting out some true stuff.
The birds are chirping, and they are flying above the building. You would sometime see birds flying in a group and thinking that how good it would be if you could do the same, to fly.
My friend, being able to fly is not the best thing you could get in life.
Be thankful for what you have. We might not have what others have, but don't we all feel the same way all the time? It never stops. You will never get tired of the feeling of wanting.
At the end of the day, the bird will eventually get shot by some hunter or may be even falls down out of exhaustion or old age.
Nothing lasts forever. Appreciate the people around you.
Nothing lasts forever. Appreciate the people around you.
Appreciate your Mom for giving birth to you.
Appreciate your Dad for giving you hope to live longer.
Appreciate your Dad for giving you hope to live longer.
Appreciate your relatives, friends, recognized friends, the mamak stall chef at the back of your house, the aunty who cleans your house. Anyone, everyone.
For they have given you a way to breathe. They might not be someone who is perfect, or even somebody to be known. They're just nobody. But what if God has sent them to prevent you from doing something, prevent you from falling in to any predicaments. I would totally call a white flag to that. We might never know, we might never know.
I've heard a quote from Charles Allen;
When you say a situation or a person is hopeless, you are slamming the door in the face of God
Everyone is hopeful. It's just a matter of do we believe in them or not. Put some effort to understand the other side, be tolerable. God has given us mind to think, and heart to feel. It's all a bless, which sometimes we left out to be grateful about.
Hope grows love, and love guides you in life.