I was sitting back on my bed when suddenly a song played at my computer next to me..(in fact,im the one who played it) But I was so bored then. So, I was trying all my best to think of what should i do to make these things to get the h*** outta my head! Lately,these things keep crossing my mind. I was imagining things...It felt like I was betrayed and...Uhhh~~ God, only He knows how I felt at the moment. Well, I sat on my chair facing the computer screen and put my hands on my keyboard and start typing spontaneously...I played a lot of songs but my heart doesnt feel like wanna listen to a hard song so I played the slow numbers.Gosh, these few days make me so emo inside lah~. I might be a guy but....GUY GOT FEELINGs too,rite?
You dont how it feels when something that you're afraid of suddenly came true. I was so shocked and at the same time was feeling a little(DUHHH~~ A LOT) dissapointed. But I know feelings cannot be change in a single blink of an eye...Uhh,Now Connie(my niece) is calling me like crazy outside...My dad wanna bring me to kebun to plant getah...aiyoo~! Since when im so rajin going to kebun ahh??? ahlouuu...
But whatever happens, let it happen...Im just gonna let it slip away just like nothing huge happening...Hope both of them happy with whomever they might be with.... :) (smile for them!) Will drop something more soon..My dad's getting angrier,ahaks! WELL LIFE MUST GOES ON,AIGHT!!! PEACE YO!
Cited from Friendster Blog, 5th July 2008
on 20th February 2009
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