I've been out from my home since 10.30pm..n as amatter of fact i planned to go home at 12.30am but apparently some ppl keep distracting me away wid some problems and stuff to talk about...well,as u know(at least who knew me!),im kinda easy-distracted n influentiable(is this word exist???) kinda person so i talked to them for about an hour and then we decided to go to Majinggul's house(its a very famous house wid a dark story in it,konon la~)..but we didnt go in,we just sat there for only several minutes and we ride back and then directly to sk lohan's bus stop.we sat there n talk,got a lot of story n i know some more things about my lil bro's problem n hey! well,now i finally see that my friends really do care about "their friends"!they taught me something i never even knew and..I LOVE MY FRIENDS! after sitting and talking,laughing our ass off for 2hours! we decided to go to Gray's house.Guess what! his father got really mad about him getting home late n finally we decided to go to saufi's house instead of staying in gray's. I laughed a lot(i mean, A LOTT!!!) when "eddy the man" starts his stupid jokes at saufi's even though we talk like whispering.there is this moment when everyone of them were puffing cigarettes,i asked for one puff from Fik but he said 'NO!' then I asked Kerj but Fik said 'NO!',then i asked for Eddy and Fik also said 'NO!'.I begged them but nobody want to! Is that mean they really care about me? about their friend? especially when someone prevents people from giving out something that they think is forbidden to them,i think that really symbolize as an understanding growth and friendship bonding. An dnow i see,thats my real friend..THEY REALLY ARE! thanx..muahx.. :x
Cited from Friendster Blog, 13 December 2007
on Feb 20th 2009
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