Yesterday was fine, great actually. As we all know, yesterday the world celebrated Mother's Day. At the same time, mom is discharged from hospital. I was anxious to see her again but then a bit concerned because I need to think of something that I can do or give in sync of her coming back as well as a gift for a Mother's Day Celebration. Geez, I need to find an idea immediately before mom and dad got home.
I woke up at 9.00 am then arranged the house, wash dishes and the laundries. Everything was plain till the idea of buying something to cook popped out from my head. Because I was too hungry also, I went out and drove my dad's Suzuki 4WD off to the nearest mart. I bought a pre-made drink as well as my favorite dessert apart from Ice-Cream, Mung Beansssss!!!!
My plan was actually just to make the house really looked arranged so that my mom would not get pissed off when she sees the house pretty arranged. I didn't plan to cook the Mung Beans for her until Nadia texted me asking what do I give my mom as a Mother's Day gift, then I saw the Mung Beans that I bought, as I was short of credit I told Aweyn to tell Nadia that I'll be cooking Mung Beans which I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO COOK for her.
I went to my neighbour's backyard to pluck some pandan leaves. Due to lack of knowledge of how to make the Mung Beans Porridge, I even googled it and found some recipes of how to make the porridge. I even look for the how-to-dos on YouTube and yeah, I'm serious!. Eventually, I managed to find some sites that were very useful especially the video on YouTube.
Then I start...
The Method
The experimenter is asked to wash the beans before asking them to put it into a pot. After it is ready, the fire is lighted in a very very low condition. Second, put the pandan leaves inside the pot together with the beans. Close the pot with the cover and wait for several minutes. After a while and the bean seemed to be fattened up, the experimenter put the sago into the pot mixed with the bean and pandan leaves.
After it is cooked, 2 cups of milk (santan also can~~) are poured into the mixture. Stir it a bit and then Voila! the aroma grasps through the whole cooking space.
My parents were already home when I finished the porridge. My mom went directly to bed and took a nap, I saw the stitches near her ear, pretty scary but still ok lar~~ not really serious, and the wool was sticked in her ear to prevent the blood getting out from her ear as well as noises that would damage her hearing capability. choiii~~ bahasa..biga!
I waited until she got up, and when she did, she came in to the kitchen and watched the video that I was watching. (yea, I brought the computer in the kitchen!) I stood up and then got her some of the porridge for her to sip up. I gave it to her and wished her a very Happy Mother's Day. She laughs but I know she was touched : ).
"Asadap ne daa ti bubur kacang nu det au neh kogutan" *this porridge would tastes very good if it's not overcooked but she still smiles. I can see the appreciation that presents on her face. : ). Love You Mum!
Then, Aunty Oash called us to go to Grandma's house, there was makan-makan there. I put some of the porridge into a container and brought it to their house. I shook all the women's hand there. Aunty Ati, Aunty Asmah, Nenek, Nenek Ngai, and last but not least Aunty Oash. They all tried my Mung Bean Porridge and everyone seems to enjoy it though there was some constructive comments pushed toward me (again, it's the overcooked thingy!). LOL~! But I am really happy that I managed to give all my Aunties and Grandmas sips of my Mung Bean Porridge. At least I showed them how much I love them as part of the family, and as a way to show my appreciation during Mother's Day although the porridge was pretty overcooked.
I had a good time there laughing with Nadia, Aweyn and the kids. Before I go home, I took some picture with my grandmas. I love them, I mean A LOT!!! Then after I got home and had a quality time watching tv with my parents, I went out to Nadia's house until 12.ooam something. I went to pekan to go jalan-jalan then went straight home. That was what I did on Mother's Day on May 10th 2009. : )
Quote: Showing your love to your mom doesn't mean you have to buy them shoes, handphones,
a car, or even a house. This is my first time making Mung Bean porridge. before, I only
tasted the porridge out of my mom's effort, and this time by just giving her time to relax
and showing her how a son or a daughter should behave towards their parent, is enough to
make them feel like they have successfully taught their children well, behaviorally.

sadap jua begiaa tu bubur kasang ko
ReplyDeletetinguk nga abis juga
ReplyDeletemalas sa si sorte..
tp kogutan bha..camana jua tu..
ada jua baru ni,p la kau d rumah..makan bubur kasang d rumah...
ni kali yg sdap la..