I killed my dream time last night by mugging up with my group assignment. I was sitting on the chair facing the screen of my computer blankly with my hand moving the mouse and clicking on unknown buttons since evening after I got up from my sleep (was so sleepy!). I knew that I need to start doing my work but then, my head was pretty distractible. Say sorry to God now son!
I was on the chair since 7 but just started doing the work at 12am. Chika kept calling me asking me whether I already finish my part or not. I lied to him a little though :P~ sorry Chix(puppy face). Anyways, After spending three nights at Yogi's, and getting few text messages from Linda asking me when am I gonna come home, I finally decided to go home.
Kal and Jordan were there when I finished packing all my stuff. I released the awkwardness with some conversations I invented myself and eventually managed to get Lingga to be the centre of attention :P~ sorry to Lingga too (banyak sda dosa sya). Kal, Jordan and Yogi just got back from some badminton tournament which I never go to. It's not that I don't play games, but I don't feel like taking my time mixing something that I am familiar with something that I am not, and no I'm not talking about the people but the place.

I took the RapidKL T634 to Bangsar LRT Station and decided to go KL Sentral first instead of going home straight away which a loner would certainly do. When I reached there, there were some new booths that were situated in the middle of the building (Ppfrttt.. like I know it's the centre). One I saw was a booth for a fiesta called Pesta Malam Indonesia (I guess~) Some tables were arranged and names like Sheila On 7, Gigi and some more were sticked in front of the table. But the artists were not there yet.
I don't feel like staying there, I dragged myself up to the food court upstairs and ordered a Nasi Goreng Black Pepper, my favorite! Then Air Sirap. I munched everything to the end till the last bit without looking around cuz I am sure that time I was VERY HUNGRY!(cheh, every 5 minutes oso feels like that mahh~~) I finished my Air Sirap and walked out of the court. Insert a RM1 note to the KTM ticket machine and by accident the train was actually there! The escalator was damn slow so I decided to run together with my 100KG shoulder bag and laptop case while saying "Sorry, sorry, excuse me, excuse me..." to all the people that were standing on my path.
Everyone was looking at me, but I told myself that I look gorgeous on that day and that's the reason why they set those stares on me. Trus bilang aku meng'encourage' kunun diri aku..."Ah, peduli apa! memang sya hensem" bilang dlm hati... Tapi dalam otak, trus ada jua tpikir manatau zip sya tbuka tp nda jua sya meninguk, malas suda kan.
Made it home, and took a bath. Perform my prayer, switch on my computer and let the solo piano play by itself and then I slept like baby. Woke up at around 6pm or 7pm, shower and performed my prayer. Lied to Chika then continue doing my assignment at around 12, finished at around 2am and went to bed at 3am. ulang story kan?
P/S: Father's Day Mood.( June 21st 2009 kan???)
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