Last night, I was out with my friends. It was around 12am when Cheah asked me whether I wanna go out or not. I said yes and asked Alicia to come along. Then, comes Lingga. He actually was really occupied with transferring all the files he has in his external hard disk into my computer as his was “admitted to hospital” due to a “bluescreen disease”. He was asked to back all his file up to another hardware so that when the guy re-format his computer, there will be no “Ala…fail-fail gw smuanya ilang…Gmana nih,videonya gw yg freerunning ama si Danar smuanya udh mampus.Aduh, anjrid banget”. I forgot to tell y’all that this guy is obsessed with ‘free-running’. He owns a severe injury due to jumping off from a 5-feet divider and because of that he has to run an operation. Not mentioning his very best friend, Danar broken his arm BECAUSE OF ‘PARKOUR’!
Gosh, I slipped off of the path!! Okayyy…Back to story,
So me, Cheah, Aly and Lingga went out. Cheah said we should go to Chawan at Bangsar Village first and if it is close, then we go somewhere else, so we did. When we reached there, it was still open. Apparently it opens until 1am. Not much time left, but it’s okay though. Then we took our seats and a guy gave us four sets of menu. Wow, I didn’t know that all the city here in Malaysia has its own original coffee! I was not really sure what Cheah and Lingga ordered but I sip the same drink as Aly’s, Cold Kopi Muar 434 (or 343). It was bitter, but the sweetness comes at the end of the tongue.
Aly and Cheah told me some edifying information about coffees that I have never knew. Differences and stuff. They even told me the differences between Chinese, India, and Malay Tea. I remember when Aly said “You can taste the sweetness first, then the bitterness. That’s Malay Tea.” Then, “Chinese Tea is kinda like a war, it goes the other way around. Bitterness first and then comes the sweetness” (cool,eh?) but I am not really sure about Indian tea (apologiiiieeeeeeeesss…) , but I think I remember she said that it is really bitter. But nothing can compare with the bitterness of the Arabic’s. No sweetness at all, it’s like you’re drinking up a pen’s ink. Yucks!
The conversation went and flowed away with the time, which we did not realize. We laughed and spilled our saliva like no one was around. I did not even look at the time which I usually do when I’m around people. The very last topic we talked about was our experiences during high school years. Now I know that Aly and Cheah actually attended the same school. Good for them, they know each other well enough now. And the weirdest thing was, I happened to tell my own experiences when I was still a kid as well LOL.
Then out of nowhere, a guy came and told us that they’re closing. Tonight, their drinks are on me. Cheah sent us home then he went back. I went upstairs to room (Lingga and Yogi’s room), getting ready to do my assignment, but no. I fell asleep, maybe I was too tired of walking from MidValley, College, then LowYat then went out to get something to drink again. (Fewh, I went all out today!) But that’s fine. Lingga’s voice bites my ears, bothering my drenching-into-a-dream session. I fell asleep, and the time stops there, eventually. I took my time.
P/S: I and Lingga had a Nasi Goreng with Egg for only RM3.50 at BUKIT BINTANG!!!
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