Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Masa di RedBox, Sunway Pyramid.
Di Kampus bha ni..
Di Redbox, Sunway Pyramid juga nih..

Above are some of the pictures that symbolize me as a music-maniac. Well not really, though it's not as hardcore as it supposed to be. But, some will be posted on soon enough. Don't worry cuz world seems to be giving me chances to still keep going and holding on to what I love.

Well, this is my passion. I love music, yea I do.. I really do!
I've been to a lot of stages in my life. I act, I talk, and I sing too.
Well... Music for me is like, a medication. It helps me to calm myself down,
A remedy to bend my strains.

I am really grateful to have been born in a musical-background family. My dad sings(REALLY!), my mom sings(REALLY REALLY!), my older brother has his own band and he's great in Guitar(REALLY!), and my little brother won The Best Vocalist while singing with his band(SERIOUSLY!). My uncles sing, my aunties sing, I have cousins who sing(THIS IS REAL!!) and OMG! I have friends who sing(SERIOUSLY SERIOUS!).But all in all, I'm still the music-maniac in the family. Can't live without music.

Monday, March 23, 2009

My new assignment! (Will meet Dr. Suguna later to check)

We have received a brand new assignment by the new Canadian lecturer, Dr.Suguna Logan.

At HELP Univ. Coll., we were acquainted by new assignments during tutorial.

Lourdes (Sabahan colleague at HELP) notified me earlier about this assignment

but I couldn't have much time to look at it. So, when I go to the tutorial, everyone

was so anxious to know what Ng Siew Li(she's a hottie tutor) has along her sleeve.

And then, the class became so noisy when Siew Li told us about the new assignment.

Guess why? Because the Abnormal Psychology lecturer

wants us to explain the terms "Mental Disorder" through POETRY! omg omg omg!

I don't know why people was so overrated with this stuff,

I am a guy, and I have a sentimental value growing up in me. I don't mind writing a poem,

so why would you?

So, after delaying a week to touch on the topic, last night I started doing the assignment.

And today, I would like to share something that I have not shared with anyone before (actually I did, I have had the opportunity of posting two poems in my previous school magazine a few years back!)

I have not figure out the title yet, maybe you guys should help me;

How do I live?

I sat, laugh

I smiled, sometimes down

Can’t anyone see?

Senses I feel, images I saw

All in my mind, all in one

I was once contented,

I was once on cloud nine,

But not now,

All gone,

Departed somewhere, gone with the winds

Then again,

I still smile, more arises

How do I live?

Do you see me?

I’m here,

Do you still see me?

Here, near the trashcan

Lying down,

On a hard rock mattresses,

Cozy pillows,

Those which you call trashes, on cement covered by boxes

This is my place,

Yes, I befriended with mice,

Yes, I listen to a song sung by those creepy crawlies

But when I talk, they listen,

At least they do to me, then again I smile

Because I have friends

How do I live?

I eat what people eat,

Foods they threw,

I drink what people drink,

Water, everywhere I can find

How do I live?

I lived by jeers,

I lived by mocks,

I lived by cynical applauses,

But I don’t care,

Because I’m happy

How do I live?

I grieve for all, I always do,

My children were taken away,

Far from me,

My ‘late’ husband went missing,

I always long for them,

How do I live?

By waiting them to come home,

Until the end of my time,

To a hut made of boxes,

Which I always call

Home sweet home.

P/S: I know... Melancholic! cant be bad enough, eh?

Well, guess what! At least I finished my assignment in an hour while

drinking Season's Lemon Tea Ice in my room!! hahahaaa!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Aweyn's quest for answers...Tagged

1. Letakkan 3 picture dalam berlainan mood :

2.Describe in 5 words about yourself :

#Loving (seriously)

3.Berikan 3 perkara yang membuatkan anda gelisah :

4.Huruf yang anda selalu guna :
# i (macam la..)

5.Senaraikan 5 perkara yang buat anda happy :
#Ice Cream

6.Senaraikan 5 insan yang anda sayang :
#Other family members (I miss Canon the most!)
#Friends (xpecially Kelawar)

7.Anda marah bila :

8.Anda nangis bila :
#Stressed out
#Hilang sesuatu yg disayangi
#Post-Mortem...past sweetest experiences

9.Person to tag :
#Cousinku - Aweyn
#damha irkuhs
#Cousinku - Zool The Green