Saturday, September 13, 2008

Reflective Journal (week 2)

I was leaning back on the couch in the auditorium watching and listening to Ms. Pei Li’s speech. Today I managed to get in to class on-time. Maybe early than my other friends.

Pei Li drove her class pretty laidback today. I’m sure most of us have a lot to say in their journal about what were we doing during today’s lecture in Pei Li’s class.

But what catches my attention most was the journal recital by one of my classmate, namely Jeevi. She catches everyone’s attention that the class became so much quiet. She talks about how her parents really wanted her to be in medical field. Her story brought me back (AGAIN!) back to mine, back in time where my parents and even my brother urged me to get into medical.

I nod to what my parents said, yet I still apply for what my interest is begging for, which is Psychology. I know that the demand for medical graduates are very high nowadays, but still I chose to be in Psychology. Why? Because I see the future for this course. I knew if I managed to get my passion, and hard work come together, I’m sure that someday, somewhere I will be somebody.

I know that it is not easy to reach where I want to be, yet it is NOT impossible either. I just need some hard work, as well as focus. I opted to be in Psychological area, so I should know what am I supposed to be. Lists of people have proved that they did it, so I’m sure my hard work will pay me well enough and wouldn’t let me down if I plan everything wisely.

We did an activity today, we were divided into groups. From the handout we were given, we were asked to do some tests and from that test we know which group we were in. So, I picked out a group called Group 2(I), the ‘Investigative’ group.

I don’t really consider myself as an investigative kind of person, but apparently when I gave it a second thought, I actually do like working in a scientific setting. As I love solving puzzles and codes, it makes me feel more interested in getting into the ‘I’ group (workshop). This is because, what is necessary for ones to be in the ‘Investigative’ is like to learn, observe, investigative, analyze or solve problems. I chose to be a Health Psychologist.

I choose to be Health Psychologist because it combines two disciplines. One, it consists the knowledge of medical as I am into medical as well, and the second one is the

study of human behavior. Another career that’s on my list are Neuropsychologist, Clinical Psychologist and a regular Psychologist. These career’s needs are the same, combination between medical knowledge as well as the study of human behavior.

As I think deeply, my goal has became more obvious. My career goal is getting clearer and that makes my spirit on reaching out my goal has increased. I should thank to this subject especially to the lecturer Ms. Yeo Pei Li for opening my eyes wider on my future.

Best Regards,

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